I was awoken this morning and called from my bed by the waning crone Moon’s rise. I knew la Luna would be south of the ecliptic and might therefore aid in guiding my eye towards Mars’ helical rise, in Capricorn and out of bounds. I was lucky to be greeted by clear summer skies and easily located Mars in the changing colours of the dawn. It’s my first time laying eyes on Mars in this new dignified two year cycle, and it felt to me an auspicious sight. I hope you’ll forgive the grainy image but I wanted to share it in a “real time” attempt to convey some sense of the magic and magnificent aliveness of our “system”
The Chaosmos, as James Joyce called it
I’ve been meditating a lot lately on the Lord’s Prayer
…Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
On Earth as it is in Heaven…
For me Heaven is not a carrot of posthumous reward but the living sky, the starry firmament, the river of stars, the milk from the Divine breast of Juno~Hera spraying across the darkness of time~space, the vault by which we are held in our mortal coil and the Source of All That Is
There’s a dodgy old pop song from the early noughties heralding a profound truth (as they so often do!)
We are all made of stars
And though it’s easy to reduce ourselves to meaningless specks on a meaningless speck in a voluminous universe among multiverses, the Lord’s Prayer has been buoying my faith in the idea that there is order in the chaos. And though many are rendered understandably faithless and cynical by the abundant tragedy and myriad injustices in our world, these realities serve not as reward or punishment but to expose the light and dark nature of humanity
and God alike
The personal and collective circumstances within which we are now living are the result of our choices and actions heretofore ~ a consequence of seeds planted and tended, through our energy and attention, time and money, apathy and avarice, conformity and complacency…
In Eris’ Age of Outrage, contending with Revelations of who we are is The Work at this Turning point in time
until we confront the truth and our part in it we cannot change anything
it’s easier to blame others and bemoan our lot in life
or get distracted, or
be too busy being busy (who could argue with that?!)
This morning when I was awoken by chance, wide awake at 3.45am charged with the task of availing myself to the sky, I was struck by the feeling that, perhaps despite all the evidence to the contrary, God loves us. And holds us.
Happy New Year 🙏🏽🕯️🌌💗
Happy new year Zoe! 🩷